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Inspiration is key in art. People that have come in and out of my life, people that have tried to put me down, and people that push me to do better,  are all my motivation. The ones that put me down by saying I can't succeed in school, I can't succeed in the profession I want to, and people saying I need to depend on others are all my motivation, and I want to prove them wrong.  Surrounding myself with good people helps me to achieve what I want. When I need inspiration, I know that I can go to one of my close friends or family to help.
These people help me with the goals that I want to achieve as well. I want to be the best person that I can be and the best artist that I can be. I know where I want to go in my life, I’d love to be a nutritionist and have a family. I have a path, I want to get on and go because I look forward to my life ahead for whatever it brings. The most important thing to me, is being genuinely happy.
There are many things and people in my life that are inspirational. Many things motivate and drive people to succeed. A main inspiration of mine is Annie Leibovitz. Her photography captures the personality and mood of the person in the photograph. The sets that she uses and the angles that she photographs at make the picture more visually appealing. I try to do similar things in my photography. However I'm feeling at the time I'm photographing, I try to put my emotions aside and capture what the subject is feeling in that very moment. 

Artist Statement

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